12 cute wedding gift poems for your invitations

Looking for a cute way to let your guests know about your Prezola wedding registry? We got you. Your wedding invitations are the best place to go public with your gift registry. And we think wedding gift poems are the perfect way to do it.

Whether you’re asking for things for your home, fun experiences, cash funds, honeymoon spending money, charity donations or a mix of all the above, why not have some fun with it!

We’ve rounded up some of our fave poems for wedding gifts and even penned a few of our own that you are more than welcome to steal.

wedding gift list poem

Wedding gift poems to introduce your gift list

So, you’ve set up your wedding registry with Prezola – excellent choice by the way – and you’ve filled it with all the gorgeous wedding gifts of your dreams. Now’s the time to share your list with your guests. You could make your wedding gift poem funny or more formal, long or short… whatever you choose, just make sure it fits your style as a couple.

Here are a few of our faves.


We can’t wait to party with you!

And if you’d like to give a gift too,

we’ve made a wish list with Prezola.

Use this link to look them over:

wedding poem


The very best gift would be your presence

There is no need to buy us presents.

But if you really do insist,

please visit Prezola for our gift list.

wedding poems card


The love of family and friends,

bring happiness that never ends

The greatest gift is that you’ll say,

you’d love to share our wedding day

But if you’d like to bring a gift,

please visit Prezola for our list.

wedding poems


Many of you will travel far,

to share our day with us

So please don’t feel obliged to gift,

we don’t need all the fuss.

Should you wish to, we’ve made a list

of things that would make us smile

But having you with us would mean the most

as we walk down the aisle.

wedding poem for gift list
poem writing for gift list
wedding gift list delivery day

Wedding gift poems: cute ways to ask for money as a wedding gift

These days, most couples have already moved in together and set up a home before they tie the knot. So, the more traditional wedding gifts like toasters and cutlery may not make a lot of sense.

If you’d prefer cash to physical gifts – that’s not a problem! Our one word of advice is this: be specific. People like to know what their hard-earned cash is going towards. So, if you’re saving for a big purchase like a house deposit or a car, say so! Your guests will be more than happy to help you out.

With Prezola, you have the option of setting up cash funds to go towards specific things. Your guests’ money will be securely stored in a secure account until you’re ready to claim it. That way, there’s no risk of cards full of cash going missing in all the excitement of your big day.

So, wondering how to ask for cash for wedding gifts? We think wedding money gift poems are the perfect solution. They’re cute and clear, without being too direct.


We’ve lived together for a while,

and our home is kitted out in style.

But a new car would be really smashing.

So, if you’d like to chip some cash in,

Prezola is the place to do it.

It’s all online – there’s nothing to it!

wedding poems


As our special day draws near,

we hope our sentiment is clear

Our dearest wish is that you’re there,

and in our happiness you’ll share

Your presence is what matters most,

not gadgets for our tea and toast.

But if a gift is on your mind,

A small contribution would be kind

We have a fund, please see below

Each welcome gift will help it grow.

So ‘Thank you’ is all that’s left to say

We’ll see you on our wedding day

wedding poems detail


As we’ve lived together for a year or two,

We really don’t need anything new.

But if you would like to get us a wedding gift,

Some money for our future wouldn’t go amiss.

wedding gift lists


For a couple of years we’ve lived in sin,

We have a toaster, a kettle and a stainless steel bin,

Saucepans and towels we have many,

Corkscrews and flannels we don’t need any,

We just want you with us on our special day,

But if you insist on a gift anyway,

We hope you don’t think we’re being funny!

But we’d really appreciate a gift of money,

We’ll put it all together and buy something that’s best,

As a reminder of our day and our wonderful guests.

wedding poem for guests wedding honeymoon fund poem

Wedding gift poems for honeymoon contributions

Dreaming of a lavish honeymoon, but lacking the funds to make it happen? Again, you’re not alone. Getting married is expensive and there isn’t always a whole lot left over to fund that once-in-a-lifetime trip.

But your guests will be more than happy to help you out. With Prezola, you can set up a honeymoon fund and you can even specify exactly what the money will be used for: champagne brunch on the beach, scuba diving for two, romantic candlelit dinner… dream big – you deserve it!

Here are a few wedding gift poems specifically to request honeymoon contributions.

The best gift you could give is to share our wedding day,

but should you wish to contribute in some other way,

then help us on our honeymoon in our chosen paradise,

a little extra spending money would be really nice.


In order to make our dreams come true,

We’d love to go on a honeymoon for a week or two.

Instead of a dinner set, a vase or a bowl,

A financial contribution would make our wedding experience whole.

We’ve created a fund to save our honeymoon money,

We really appreciate it, and can’t wait to go somewhere sunny!

wedding poem


We know it’s not traditional

It’s not the way it’s done

But instead of a wedding gift

We’d like a bit of sun!

We’ve lived together for quite some time,

And all our bills are paid

We’ve got our plates, our pots and pans

Our plans have all been made.

So if you’d like to give a gift

To help us celebrate

Some money for a honeymoon

We would most appreciate

wedding poem for gift lists
wedding honeymoon gift list poem
poem wedding gift list registry

Wedding gift poems for charity donations

If you’re using your gift list as a chance to give back with charity donations, here are a few wedding gift poems we think would work.


We'd love your well wishes and congratulations too,

No gifts are necessary, all we really want is you!

But if you’d like to give a gift to help us on our way,

a charity donation would really make our day.

wedding poem for guest presents


Well, the time has finally come

We're about to tie the knot

If you could spend the day with us

We'd like that - a lot!

Your company is all we need

Honestly, it is

Come join in the celebrations

Have some cake, a glass of fizz

We have no need for gifts

As toasters - we have many!

But there's a charity close to our hearts

Who’d appreciate a penny

If you could give to them

That's the best gift we could ask for

Then bring yourself to our wedding

With a smile, and nothing more

wedding poem for gifts from guest wedding poem gift list registry

How to ask for wedding gifts without a poem?

Of course, poems aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, so don’t feel pressured to use one if it’s not your thing. A polite note in with your wedding invites will do the trick. Try something like this:

"The best gift of all will be having you with us to celebrate our big day. But if you would like to give a gift, we’ve set up a registry with Prezola. You can find it here: ..."

How do you politely ask for money instead of gifts?

If the wedding gift poems listed above don’t float your boat, a simple note will do. The main thing to remember is that your guests will appreciate knowing what you plan to do with the money. Keep it simple, and specific and make it clear that it’s optional.

"Your presence at our wedding is present enough. But if you wish to give us a gift, we are saving up for a deposit on our first home together, so any cash contribution would be greatly appreciated."

We get it – asking for wedding gifts can feel a bit cringe. But remember, your guests will WANT to get you something to celebrate your big day!

We hope these wedding gift poems have given you a few ideas for your invites. And if you haven’t done it already, set up your wedding gift list with Prezola today!

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