Bee's Wrap

Lost Tradition Made New

Join the sustainability movement with Bee's Wrap's innovative food storage solution. Crafted from 100% GOTS certified organic cotton coated in a blend of beeswax, organic jojoba oil and tree resin to create a washable, reusable and compostable alternative to plastic wrap. Whether you decide to use Bee’s Wrap for on-the-go snacks or storing dinner leftovers, you will be one step closer to making it possible to ditch disposable food storage for good.

Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. Across industries and nations, B Corps are united by the idea of using business as a force good. Bee’s Wrap was successfully certified as a B Corp in 2019 through a rigorous assessment of their mission, values, and actions. By being a Certified B Corporation, Bees' Wrap have the unique ability to measure their company’s social and environmental impact and the responsibility to continuously improve how they do business.

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