Get the gifts you really want

Upgrade your kitchen. Dine in style. Become a mixologist. Get exactly what you want with Prezola.

Your flexible wedding gift list

Why choose one store when you can have them all? From the big names you already love to the small artisan makers you are yet to discover. Our buying experts handpick each brand on site to bring you gifts that will delight and inspire.

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Add anything and everything

See it. Add it. Get it. It's easy for you and your guests. What's not to love?

Our buyers lead the way when it comes to home interiors, it's their job to keep you inspired. Discover brands and gifts you won't find on any other registry.

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How Prezola works

Start your list
  • Create your list

    Add, and edit what you want, when you want. Mix hundreds of homeware brands with personalised funds, experiences and subscriptions.

  • Share with guests

    On your invitations. With a wedding website. Via Whatsapp, Facebook or text. You decide when guests can see your list and how you share it.

  • Finalise your list

    Lock in gifts as you go or finalise everything after your wedding. We make it really flexible for you to change your mind so we only place your order once you've confirmed your choices.

  • Receive your gifts

    Now for the best bit. It's like the greatest unboxing ever. Your gifts will be delivered for free on a weekday that suits you. And your funds can be transferred whenever you like.

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Some of our brands

Why choose one store when you can have them all? Explore hundreds of your favourite brands - all in one place.

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Create your Prezola gift list today

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