How to choose wedding wine

Ready to raise a glass and make your wedding day even more unforgettable? Choosing the perfect wedding wine is like finding the ultimate partner in crime – it should be delightful, complement your style, and leave you with memories to cherish. We're about to uncork some savvy tips and tricks that'll have you navigating the world of wedding wine like pros. So, grab a glass (or two), and let's dive into the vineyard of choices that'll make your big day even tastier!

Types of wedding wine

budget wine

When it comes to wedding wines, the world is your oyster – or should we say, vineyard? Whether you're a fan of rich reds, the crisp and refreshing notes of whites, the freshness of a rosé, or the fun of a glass of fizz, there's a bottle for every palate.

Red wines, like the bold Cabernets and elegant Pinot Noirs, bring depth to hearty dishes and cosy atmospheres (hello, autumn weddings!). White wines, including the zesty Sauvignon Blancs and buttery Chardonnays, are perfect companions for lighter fare and summer weddings. Rosé wines, with their lovely blush hues, bridge the gap between red and white, offering a versatile choice for a wide range of dishes. And let's not forget the celebratory sparkle of Champagne and other sparkling wines, adding a touch of glamour.

So, whether you're envisioning a romantic evening affair or a sun-soaked outdoor celebration, these diverse wine types are ready to add their unique flavours to your special day.

Wine pairing perfection


When it comes to pairing wine with your wedding food, there’s a few general rules you can use as guidance. Lighter foods such as seafood and fish pair well with white wine, where as your hearty dishes like fillet of beef go best with reds. When it comes to celebrating, you can’t beat bubbly! However, don’t underestimate the power of an unusual pairing, it might just surprise you.

Navigating the wine selection process


So, how do you navigate the vast vineyard of options to find your dream wedding wines? It's all about finding that sweet spot between your personal tastes and the vibe of your big day. Are you and your partner bold Cabernet enthusiasts, or do you prefer something a little lighter, such as a Pinot Grigio? Your chosen wine should match not just your palate but also the style you're going for – whether it's a rustic barn wedding or an elegant stately home affair.

But hey, don't worry if you're feeling a tad lost– that's where the experts come in. Think of sommeliers and wine professionals as your wedding wine Cupids. They're armed with all the vital knowledge about flavours, regions, and pairings that can help you find the perfect match. So go ahead, ask for their guidance, and let their expertise unlock a world of possibilities.

Once you’ve spoken with your venue to check about paying corkage, you’re onto the fun part – tastings! It's like speed dating for your taste buds. Arrange some samplings of potential wine candidates. Swirl, sniff, and sip your way through the options. Does that Merlot make your heart skip a beat? Does that Sauvignon Blanc have you dreaming of summer nights? Tastings aren't just about finding the "right" wine; they're about finding the wine that feels right for you.

Top tip: Mock up your wedding breakfast (as best as you can) and see what wines complements the food. All in the name of research, of course.

Budget-friendly wine tips


When you’re buying your wedding wines, make the most of your budget by exploring some lesser-known labels and regions. You don’t NEED to choose Provence rose, there are plenty others to get your teeth into that have a more purse friendly price point.

While we’re talking about the budget, don’t forget to buy in bulk so that you can take advantage of fewer £s per bottle.

Ordering and quantity calculation


So, how much wine to buy for your wedding? Let's tackle the numbers game – ensuring you have enough wine to keep the celebration flowing without going totally overboard. It's all about striking that magical balance.

First things first, the guest count. As a general rule of thumb, plan on one bottle of wine per two to three guests.

Let’s break it down: for a seated dinner, consider around half a bottle of wine per guest. If your wedding is more of a lively, stand-up-and-mingle affair, aim for three to four glasses per person. And remember, it's always better to have a few extra bottles waiting in the wings than to find yourselves in a wine drought.

If you’re in doubt, you’ll get around 5 small glasses of wine per bottle and 6 glasses of fizz. So, whether your guests are sipping, swirling, or full-on toasting, you'll be well-prepared with the right amount of vino to keep the celebration spirited and the glasses filled.

Top tip: Not everyone drinks alcohol, make sure to have a non-alcoholic alternative. There’s loads of good alcohol free wines on the market now. Again, make sure to sample before you place your order.

Storing and serving your wine


You’ve spent a few quid on your wine, so make sure it’s all stored correctly. Ensure that wines are kept in a cool, dark place. Ideally between 7 to 18°C and avoid big temperature fluctuations.

Don’t forget to choose glassware that complements the wine – bigger bowls for reds to allow aromas to do their thing, and narrower glasses for whites to keep them crisp and cool. You’ve got coupes and champagne flutes to choose from when it comes to the fizz, depending on your taste and the style of your wedding. Don’t forget to factor in glass hire within your budget.

Top tip: If you’re feeling creative, why not make your own personalised wine labels for your bottles? Add your names, wedding date and venue, It’s a small detail with a big impact.

Now that you’re officially educated in all things wedding wine, it’s time to go tasting! Oh, and if you’re looking for some help when it comes to wedding cocktails check out our blog dedicated to choosing your signature wedding cocktail. Cheers!

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