Wedding gifts for every zodiac sign

Looking for sign to add that Le Creuset dish to your list? Well, look no further. Stars signs are here to give you a handy steer in the right direction (and if that means in the direction of new bed sheets from The White Company, then who are we to argue).

Everything from what to expect from the week ahead to who you’re most compatible with in love, ask the zodiac for answers! Not forgetting the fact it's fun too. I mean, who doesn’t love reading their horoscope in Cosmo?

Want to make sure you've got the right gifts on your list? We've handpicked the perfect wedding gifts for each sign to help you create a unique, personalised list that has the zodiac seal of approval.

Wedding gifts for every star sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

What do Lady Gaga, Reese Witherspoon and Elton John all have in common? Well, other than being mega rich, famous and fabulous, they all share the star sign, Aries. And that’s no coincidence either. Aries are known for their ambition, confidence and leader-like qualities. Guaranteed to command your attention, Aries say things how they see them and rarely hold back.

Perfect wedding gifts for Aries

Unleash that competitive side with a classic board game or sports set, grab some attention with a neon sign or statement lamp and channel that passionate nature with pops of powerful red.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Whether you’re enjoying a leisurely lunch, hitting the shops or treating yourself to a pamper day, Tauruses know how to appreciate the finer things in life. Naturally laidback, comfort and self-care are super important to you. While some say you could be little stubborn at times, you possess true inner patience and natural resilience which always shines through.

Ideal wedding gifts for Taurus

Sit back, relax and sip champagne with your new, luxurious glassware. Cook up a feast in the kitchen. Or enjoy a timeout by creating a home spa experience. These picks are sure to live up to your high standards.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Oh, hey Geminis! Shall we go and party? We knew you'd be game. Yes, you Geminis are the social butterflies of the zodiac. Intellectually curious, opportunity-minded and super adaptable, you can chat to anyone about just about anything! All packaged up with one STELLA personality.

Perfect weddings gifts for Geminis

Soak up a new culture with a trip to somewhere new and exciting. Learn a new skill with an unforgettable couples’ experience day. Or bring the party home with a upgraded sound system and stylish home bar.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You’re more of a wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve-kinda sign. Passionate, emotional and intense, you can always count on a Cancer to be 100% loyal. Sentimental and oozing with charisma and creativity. You’ll also always have your friends’ back. And for that, we salute you.

Ideal wedding gifts for Cancers

As your elemental sign is water, make time for a midweek bubble bath. Create a peaceful sanctuary at home with luxury candles and plush new towels. Embrace your sentimental side and display your favourite snaps from your wedding day in a new photo frame, or even better, full on gallery wall.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leaving a sparkly glow wherever you go, there’s never a dull moment when a Leo’s around. Natural-born leaders, you’re confident and popular like your famous Leo celebs: Barack Obama, Madonna and J-Lo. Regularly the ones to quote, ‘GO BIG OR GO HOME’ on a night out, you’re warm, welcoming and a tad flamboyant too. We LOVE it.

Perfect wedding gifts for Leos

Channel that inner vivacity into your home décor style. Bold prints and statement cushions will look right at home in a Leo’s pad. Or live out your best Hollywood ending with a helicopter ride for two. Sounds fabulous darlings!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Hard working, conscientious and at times a perfectionist, Virgos want the very best of the best out of life. And we respect that! Above all else though, we know that you just want to help people. Whether that’s friends, family or romantic partners, Virgos are incredible supportive, kind and emit serenity and calm wherever they go!

Ideal wedding gifts for Virgos

Those high standards extend to the home too. Treat yourself to the very finest cotton percale bedsheets and upgrade chipped, old plates for a new dinnerware set. Or why not satisfy your thirst for learning by taking a cookery class for two perhaps?

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Oh, you lot know how to charm don't you! Slick, smart and tactful. And great listeners too. Not to mention possessing a true skill for diplomacy (a real plus in our eyes). That’s not to say you’re completely flawless though. We did perhaps hear a little rumour you can also be highly skilled at procrastination too...

Perfect wedding gifts for Libras

Maintaining balance is important for our Libra friends. So, declutter your home with some stylish storage updates. Make time for that DIY project you’ve been meaning to get round to (but haven't quite started). And create a zen-like space with some calming home fragrance picks.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You’re in good company if you’re with a Scorpio. They say a Scorpio makes a great partner. Emma Stone, Ryan Reynold and Kendall Jenner all share this fiercely independent, brave and ambitious zodiac sign. Incredibly passionate, intelligent and determined, we could all learn to be a bit more like you.

Ideal wedding gifts for Scorpios

Showcase your unique style with some artwork or statement vase. Feeling brave? Of course, you are. Test your need for speed with a quad biking experience for two or try your hand at axe throwing for a quirky date night you won’t forget in a hurry.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Having a #NoFilter moment? You’re a Sagittarius for sure. Honesty is the best policy after all. Lively, passionate and smart, there’s never a dull second when you’re around! Always looking for the next adventure, you like doing what you want to do, when you want to do it. Just a word of warning – we know you’re super independent, but you will have to take your partner on the honeymoon too!

Perfect wedding gifts for Sagis

Wanderlust is in your bones. Explore a new exotic destination with your beau with a voucher from Mr and Mrs Smith or Air BnB. Not forgetting the sassy new suitcase you’ll need for your travels! Can we come too?

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

A Capricorn knows how to get stuff DONE! Highly ambitious, super organised and practical, you can make things happen. Not afraid of the hustle, you're goal-oriented and sport an attractive 'can-do' attitude that makes people want to be around you. Famous Capricorns include Martin Luther King, Kate Middleton and Michelle Obama - all natural leaders like you!

Ideal wedding gifts for Capricorns

Practical minded doesn't mean boring. Treat yourself to a kitchen staple (hello Kitchen Aid) that will last a lifetime. Take the lead with a self-guided hike for two. Or put those problem-solving skills to the test and schedule a cosy night in with a puzzle and hot choc.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The sign of invention and innovation. Aquariuses 'got the smarts' that's for sure. Naturally caring, you're passionate about saving the world, one person at a time. Intellectually curious, analytical and assertive, you say things as you see them and dance to your own beat.

Perfect wedding gifts for Aquariuses

Go bold with innovative design pieces, whether that's a new lamp or scandi style champagne glasses. The humanitarian in you will feel good about environmentally friendly gifts made from recycled or sustainable materials too.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Ahhh, the old souls of the zodiac! Sometimes a Pisces might wonder if they've been born in the right era with their old-school-romantic vibe and style. These worldly-wise pleasure-seekers have endless compassion and empathy for those they love. Creative and imaginative, you're likely drawn to the world of the Arts by default!

Ideal wedding gifts for Pisceans

Romance isn't dead, especially not for a Piscean. A romantic weekend trip for two or picturesque wine tasting experience could be just the ticket. Surround yourself with fascinating artsy finds. Or live through rose-tinted glasses with plenty of splashes of pink decor.