Romeana & Sam

Romeana and Sam brought the fun factor to their unique wedding, with arcade games, endless chocolate, disco balls and even a bouncy castle. Read on to discover some seriously cool wedding inspo, the items they were most excited to receive and how they made their delivery day into a family affair!

wedding bridesmaids celebrating

How did you meet?

We met on Tinder! Before it got fancy. Shortly followed by a first date walking our dogs (because obviously you don't meet a randomer off the internet for the first time anywhere other than a wide open public space in daylight). We hit it off straight away and 6 months later bought our first house together. Fast forward a few years, 2 houses, 2 children and he eventually got down on one knee. Actually - he didn't, but there was a ring!

What was the best thing about your wedding day?

The best thing of the whole day was taking a step back and watching all our friends and families mingle and having a wonderful time. It’s really special to have all of your loved ones together in one room. Our venue was incredible, unique and so much fun. It was everything we had hoped for and more. Beer pong, arcade games, photo booths and a bouncy castle!

wedding cake real couple
real couple wedding family romeana and sam

How was your honeymoon?

We haven't had one yet. We had some cash donations and we exchanged some vouchers for an airbnb voucher so we're hoping to have some mini get aways this year both with and without the children.

Why did you choose Prezola for your gift list?

I can't remember where we heard about it but we're so glad we did. It made it easy for us to have all our gifts in one place, to be able to see who they were from and our guests loved being able to choose from our gift list.

romeana and sam real couple

Which item were you most excited to receive on your list?

New wine glasses!! We had been wanting new glasses for a while but never really had a reason to buy them. I was so excited to use them I think I had a glass of wine at 3pm on a Tuesday.

Tell us about your Prezola delivery day!

I'm not sure who was more excited - us or the children. 3 gigantic boxes were turned into a 3 carriage train before breakfast!

wedding couple with family
wedding celebrations

Any words of wisdom for all our engaged couples out there?

Lots of people bought us vouchers, and I've always been a bit rubbish with vouchers as I'm terrible at making decisions and then they ultimately expire. However, we were able to use them to purchase the unbought gifts off our list and then we turned the rest into airbnb vouchers which will be so handy (and they don't expire!).

wedding guests celebrating with bride and groom

Neel & Sarah

Emma & Warren

Becca & Lewis

Hema & Ajai

Megan & Josh

Alice & Matthew

Rosie & Sam