Rebecca & Calum

A true love story filled with tartan, gold glitter and a perfectly lit wedding breakfast! We are totally swooning over this couples wedding pictures. Rebecca & Calum share their big day, gift list delivery and more with us!


How did we meet?
Calum and myself actually met through online dating, I was a bit sceptical at first when it came to online dating but my friend persuaded me to give it a try, and I am so glad I did! I found Calum relatively quickly on the site and we started chatting. It wasn't until a few weeks later that we decided to meet up for our first date and that was 4 years ago now. The rest, as they say, is history!

What is your favourite thing to do together?
We love just being in each others company. We love spending days out in Edinburgh and then relaxing in our beautiful new home cooking tasty meals, watching box sets and movies. We both have demanding jobs and work quite long hours, so it's nice to unwind together, chat about our days. We both agree we are each other's best friend and it's so lovely to come home to the other.


What was the best thing about the wedding?
Where to start?! First of all, just seeing our most nearest and dearest all in the one room celebrating us. It's not often you can get all your family and friends together in one place, so it was so special to us to have them all there. Another best point was just seeing our dream wedding become reality, it really was just perfect!

What tip would you give other couples planning their wedding?
Our biggest tip would be enjoy it! It honestly just goes so quickly and getting stressed and anxious about it can ruin the build up. Be true to yourselves, and pick what you love. Be that small, big, away or in your own back garden. Try not to be swayed by other people's opinions as it can make you feel confused about what you wanted in the first place, and stick to your budget! There is a way to do most things within your budget, shop around and give yourself enough time.

Tell us all about your honeymoon! Where did you go and what did you love about it?
We went to Orlando, Florida for our honeymoon. Specifically Disney World, it was amazing! It was perfect for us, we aren't the type to sit on a beach as we do get a little bored and I love Disney and Calum loves rides and roller coasters, so it was the best combination! We were there over Halloween which was just brilliant, we loved every minute of it.


What has surprised you most about being married?
That nothing has changed. We had a solid relationship before we got married and already lived together for quite a few years so this to us was the next level of commitment. We feel more in love with each other but other than that we're the same people with the same values and still want the same things out of life.

One thing we did before we got married and I'm glad we still do now...
Talk. We talk about everything and we are completely open and honest with each other, and I hope that will never change.

Were you always planning on having a gift list?
No, we couldn't find somewhere that did a wedding gift list that had the kind of things and styles we were looking for. I happened to stumble upon Prezola on Instagram and fell in love with the huge variety of things they had on offer as well as the variety in prices. It made us certain that we wanted at least a small gift list.

Rebecca&Calum Rebecca&Calum
Graham & Green

What were your favourite brands on Prezola?
I would have to say Sophie Conran for Portmeirion and The White Company. They were both huge selling points for us when choosing Prezola for our gift list. We asked for a few things from both of these brands.

What gift were you most excited to receive from your list?
Our dinnerware set from Sophie Conran, I can not wait to have our Christmas table set with all of our beautiful tableware!

Tell us all about your Prezola delivery day!
So exciting! We had both been back to work for about a week by then and were feeling a bit of wedding blues, but as soon as we saw the delivery driver pull up outside our house we got super excited! We even put on our wedding photograph slideshow in the background with the beautiful music to set the scene! We loved reading the messages our guests had put along with our gifts. Everything was gift wrapped so beautifully.


How would you describe your interior style?
It's hard to pinpoint, we would have to say a modern take on country living. Lots of whites and greys, simplistic but warm and cosy!

Is there a gift you wish you had added to your gift list but didn't?
No, we managed to find everything we wanted to fill our home. We are so happy with our choices!

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