Nick & Freya

The gorgeous Freya shared her wedding photos with us and we were besotted with how they look! Filled with laughter, games and laid-back vibes, Freya & Nick’s big day looks like it was so much fun for them and the guests! A big fan of botanicals, it’s obvious to see that plants played a huge role in the wedding, with flowers all over the decorations, church aisle, bridesmaid dresses and even the guests got involved with the floral theme.

How did you meet?
We met after a mutual friend tried to set us up! We both weren’t interest in a blind date, but met coincidently in our local (very dodgy) club and it turns out she was right!

Tell us all about the engagement!

My family have roots on Orkney, a tiny Scottish island which we still visit regularly. As children and into my adult life, my family and I would visit a beach called Birsay on the island where you can find a rare shell called a Groatie Buckie. The tradition is to not leave the beach until one of these shells is found. So when Nick and I visited in December 2015 I put him to work searching for the shell. We spent about 40 minutes looking, Nick getting more and more nervous (not that I could tell…) and once I finally found one under a rock, Nick dropped to one knee – it was sunny, there was no one around and it was perfect!

Nick & Freya
Nick & Freya
Nick & Freya Nick & Freya

What was your favourite thing about the wedding?

There was so much happiness – Nick and I were obviously on cloud nine, but all of our guests seemed to be up there with us! We’d made a point of focusing on the fun, lots of games and silliness – no one was taking themselves too seriously and that allowed everyone to relax and not feel to formal. (Also I beat Nick at our epic game of beer pong! He’ll never live it down 😊)

What tip would you give other couples planning their wedding?
Create a day that represents who you are. Don’t get obsessed with Pinterest and trying to create a wedding that looks like a stylised shoot. Do things because you want to. Invite who you want to, eat what you want – it’s your day! Don’t get too bogged down by other people’s opinions, there is no right answer!

Nick & Freya
Nick & Freya
Nick & Freya

Apart from getting married, what’s the best thing you’ve done together?

We travelled around Eastern Europe together about five years ago which was amazing. We are currently planning a trip to Sri Lanka and Myanmar in December and cannot wait!

Tell us all about your honeymoon! Where did you go and what did you love about it?
We went to Portugal for a week, it was glorious. We stayed in the most beautiful boutique hotel (Areias-Do-Seixo) north of Lisbon for 4 nights and it was nestled in the sand dunes right on the coast. All of the rooms were decorated differently, some with private gardens and outdoor claw footed baths, some with sunken jacuzzis – the food was divine and the service was impeccable. We then travelled to Lisbon via Sintra to stay in the city. While we were there, the annual sardine festival was taking place so we enjoyed endless street parties throughout the city each night. We’re currently planning a slightly more exotic trip to Asia later this year, but we’ll be slumming it compared to the gorgeous hotels we splashed out on in Portugal!

Nick & Freya Nick & Freya Nick & Freya

What’s your favourite feature with Prezola gift lists?
The Prezola credit that was built up at the end was a great little surprise! And the customer service was spot on. Any question we had was answered immediately, professionally and always so friendly!

What item were you most excited to get on your gift list?

The Bluebellgray duvet set. I have never really spent big money on duvets so it’s such a treat to have high quality bedding now. Plus the colours are so much more vibrant that I imagined – it looks great in our room!

Tell us all about your Prezola delivery day!
I still can’t believe we fit it all in our flat! You couldn’t see the floor! But it was very exciting and so nice to read the messages people had sent alongside the gifts.

What’s the most exciting thing you’re looking forward to as a married couple?
We plan to leave London at some point, and I can’t wait to find a gorgeous house somewhere in the west country with a garden so we can get a cat!

Nick & Freya Nick & Freya Nick & Freya

What’s your favourite date activity?
We eat out a lot, every time we go somewhere new we write a little review and have a growing map with little dots on it to show where we’ve been. Our friends love it as we always have a recommendation!

What brands on Prezola are your favourites?

I’m a big Nkuku fan – if I could just dress my house in that brand alone I would be happy! The GPO Retro range was awesome too. We’re so pleased with our vinyl record player.

How would you describe your interior style?
Green – We have a lot of plants! Lots of natural materials and botanical patterns.

Nick & Freya
Nick & Freya
Nick & Freya

One thing we did before we got married and I’m glad we still do now is…
Make time for each other. We live very busy lives but date night at a new restaurant is usually always in the diary!

One piece of advice I’d give to future newlyweds is…
Don’t let your wedding stress you out. It’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life so enjoy the build up as much as the day itself!

We will celebrate our first year of marriage with…
A lot of gin probably 😊

Given the chance to redo my wedding, I would have…
Changed nothing!

What has surprised me most about being married is…

How nothing has really changed. I guess I’m not that surprised as it’s what I hoped for but everything has gone back to normal (apart from the fancy gifts we now have in our flat and the millions of photographs to remind us of our awesome day).

Nick & Freya Nick & Freya Nick & Freya