Megan & Josh

With the most stunning gown and special little details, Megan and Josh’s day was just dreamy. Complete with twinkling lights, beautiful floral arrangements and all the glorious sunshine you could wish for, their gorgeous church wedding will give you all the summer vibes you need right now.

How did you two meet?
We went to school together! We’ve known each other since we were 11 but didn’t become friends until we were 16, when our families became friends through church. We hung out a LOT, became best friends and as they say, the rest is history!

What's your favourite thing to do together?
We love finding new coffee shops & drinking great coffee (and of course sampling the brownies).

Tell us about the proposal
We did long distance - Sydney to London - for two years. While Josh and my family were visiting one Christmas we went to see the sunrise at Palm Beach, a favourite spot of ours. We walked up to the lighthouse, and surrounded by stunning views, Josh got down on one knee! He had arranged for my family to be waiting at the local cafe for brunch, for a photo shoot afterwards, and a bbq celebration with my friends in the evening! It was a very good day!!

megan & josh
megan & josh
megan & josh

What tip would you give other couples planning their wedding?
Take more time than you think before the wedding to relax - take the week off work, don’t say yes to lots of plans, give yourself space to rest and do all the annoying bits and pieces you’ve left to last minute (if you’re anything like me!)

What was the best thing about the wedding?
EVERYTHING! We just had so much fun!! We ended up having 30+ degree weather, and had arranged for a drinks reception in the gardens of the vicarage by the church we got married in. It was beautiful. We were surrounded by people we love so much, feeling on top of the world.

Tell us all about your honeymoon! Where did you go and what did you love about it?
We went to Italy. Neither of us had been before so it was a no-brainer. We travelled to a few different spots, but our favourite was a small seaside town called Portovenere, just at the bottom of Cinque Terre on the west coast. It was so romantic, quaint, and truly stunning. We also ate the most incredible food which was arguably the best part.

megan & josh

What has surprised you most about being married?
How everyday, seemingly mundane things become so much more fun when doing them together.

Were you always planning to have a gift list?
Yes! We love looking at other couples lists and choosing something special for them. We moved in with each other after getting married so needed to set up our home together, getting gifts to help us do this was just the best. Our friends & family were so overwhelmingly generous.

What's your favourite gift list feature on Prezola?
We loved scrolling through all the choices and options for gifts, it was so much fun. However, for us the option to add cash gifts was a game changer. It helped us have an incredible honeymoon, and we received the money 2 days after the wedding which was sooo helpful!

megan & josh

What are your favourite brands on Prezola?
There are so many beautiful brands, we’ve received some top quality products. But I think our favourite is our Robert Welch cutlery!! It’s just so shiny!

What item were you most excited to get on your gift list?
We couldn’t wait for all the simple things - a kettle, pans, a toaster. We were grilling bread every morning and boiling water in an old pan and bored of it! Our kitchen is now beautifully kitted out which makes cooking a lot more fun!

Tell us all about your Prezola delivery day!
It was like Christmas morning. The big boxes arrived early in the morning, the temptation to rip them all open was huge! But we resisted as I had a job interview that morning... as soon as I got home we went through box by box, reading all the messages, soo excited to finally have the items we’d chosen in our hands for the first time! It was so much fun.

Is there a gift you wish you had added to your gift list but didn't?
Josh is a coffee enthusiast so wishes we’d asked for a coffee machine! It’ll have to go on the birthday list instead!

megan & josh

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