Harriet & Ant

This bohemian wedding donned lots of botanicals and summer vibes for a romantic setting. We chat to the happy couple about their gift list style, future plans and find out all about the big day.

How did you two meet?

We met online (thankfully before the days of Tinder), although my online dating experience lasted all of three weeks, Ant is always a bit disgruntled that he had to pay more for his account than me!

Tell us all about the engagement!

Ant had planned to propose during our trip to Canada. However, his parents had offered us their airport lounge passes which required me to refer to myself as 'Mrs Jolliffe' so as we were packing, I rooted around for my granny's wedding ring and put it on so I could look convincing as a 'wife'. This was all too much for Ant who proposed on the spot! It turns out that to get engaged in our home, just the two of us together, was perfect.

Harriet & Ant

What was your favourite thing about the wedding?

In spite of the unbelievably good weather, it's the fact that six months on our friends are still telling us how wonderful a day it was and how much fun they had.

What tip would you give other couples planning their wedding?

Keep remembering why you are doing this; your love for each other is more important than stressing over a homemade photobooth. We are also evangelical about hiring a wedding videographer. We had Cornwall filmmakers Baxter and Ted film ours on a combination of digital and Super 8 film and we can't stop watching it.

Harriet & Ant

Apart from getting married, what's the best thing you've done together?

Our trip to Canada was an amazing road trip; just us and a few bears! And afterwards, we decided to adopt a rescue Husky who reminds us of our time in the Canadian mountains.

Tell us all about your honeymoon! Where did you go and what did you love about it?

We are yet to go... We used the Prezola honeymoon fund to start off our savings for skiing in Austria.

Harriet & Ant
Harriet & Ant

What's your favourite feature with Prezola gift lists?

The range of brands is great; there's a nice mix of independent brands alongside more established, mainstream ones.

What item were you most excited to get on your gift list?

Although it sounds completely lame, we were given a beautiful carved wooden tray which has made transporting meals from the kitchen a whole lot more elegant!

Tell us all about your Prezola delivery day!

Each item was wrapped beautifully and it was great reading the messages from our guests. I made a point of getting it all unboxed and put in place immediately so that we would actually use our wedding crockery and pasta machine etc.

Harriet & Ant
Harriet & Ant
Harriet & Ant

What's the most exciting thing you're looking forward to as a married couple?

We both work in the wedding industry and love how we can collaborate and work as a team. We are so excited to look to the future as a married couple and a great partnership.

What's your favourite date activity?

Down in Devon we have a number of fairly quaint seaside resorts. There is nothing better than a windy walk along the beach, fish and chips and a not-so-ironic play on the arcade games!

What brands on Prezola are your favourites?

Karlsson for wonderful design, and Joseph Joseph for very clever function, teamed with great design.

How would you describe your interior style?


Harriet & Ant
Harriet & Ant

One thing we did before we got married and I'm glad we still do now is...

This isn't really a thing, but it is one rule: work as a team, there are no 'girl jobs' or 'boy jobs', we see each other as wonderful equals and plan on never changing that!

One piece of advice I'd give to future newlyweds is...

Your wedding should reflect your marriage: imperfect, warm and full of laughter. Don't get too caught up with the tiny details!

We will celebrate our first year of marriage with...

A meal at the restaurant we went to when we got legally married with just our parents as witnesses. It was a few days before the big do, and it remains one of the most special moments of my life.

Given the chance to redo my wedding, I would have...

Done nothing different, only added a few more hours to the day so I could chat more to each guest!

What has surprised me most about being married is...

It is exactly the same as before. I think that is a good sign!

Harriet & Ant

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