7 new things to 'give a go' this month

With Summer pretty much behind us (gently sobs into wine glass), and Christmas a blip on the horizon (it’s too early okay), the Prezola team has been thinking of ways to shake things up this September. And we’ve got a little challenge just for you!

In true ‘back-to-school’ style, we’re daring you to say HELL YES to something new this month. Whether that’s learning a new skill, finally getting back into a fitness routine, or even just trying out a new cocktail recipe (we like the sound of that one). You won’t be stuck for date night ideas that’s for sure!

Need a little inspo? We’ve put together 7 new things to try out this September. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a go!

1. Bring the spa home

Sometimes we all need a little reminder to relax. And this is yours! Carve out some time in your diary to create a spa haven at home. Treat yourself to a new luxury candle, some oh-so-fragrant body wash and plush new towels for a 5 star, midweek wind down. Of all the things to say yes to this month – this one is a no-brainer (literally).

Ready for a soak? Follow our top tips for the ultimate home spa experience.

2. Host a games night

A little competitive, are we? Host a fun-filled games night for friends and family – perfect for cosy, Autumnal evenings in. Stock up on timeless classics like Cluedo, Twister and Pictionary, serve up a delicious spread and make sure everyone is still friends by the end of the night!

3. Grow your own

There’s nothing more satisfying than watching little bulbs and seedlings grow into mighty spuds in your very own veggie patch. Are you a beginner that needs a little extra guidance? Or a total pro like Alan Titchmarsh? Regardless of skill level, gardening has long been associated with better physical, social and mental health. So roll up those sleeves, get the dungarees on and get planting!

Short on space? Why not trying growing your own herbs on your balcony or windowsill.

4. Get organised

It’s time to Marie Kondo your life and declutter your space. Block out some time over the weekend, crank up the radio and get sorting. We’d suggest tackling one room at a time (or even a zone within that room) and bidding farewell to anything that isn’t ‘sparking joy’ anymore. Consider adding a new hallway unit, woven baskets and stylish storage boxes to your list. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. Learn a new skill

What better way to channel that back-to-school feeling than by learning a new skill? Always wanted to cook truly authentic Thai cuisine? Take a couple’s cooking class. Wanna’ test your fear of heights? Take a walk on the wild side with a lofty gorge-walking experience for two! And did you know that the best time to go stargazing is during the Autumn months? Go on, give it a go!

For a date night with a twist, add a fun-filled experience for two to your list.

6. Make some sustainable swaps

After a scorching summer, climate change is at the top of many minds. So, there’s no time like the present to make some eco swaps at home. Challenge yourself to live more sustainably this month. Not only will you feel you’re doing more to help the environment, you’ll also be supporting eco-friendly businesses too.

Eco warriors at the ready? Save the planet with your gift list!

7. Shake things up

We are definitely feeling those cosy, autumnal nights already! Fancying a romantic, Friday night in? Create your own home bar and shake up happy hour with a delicious new cocktail recipe. Upgrade your glassware, stock up the drinks trolley and consider a neon sign for that 'out-out' vibe at home.

Need a little inspiration? Try our Marry-Me-Margarita! You won't regret it (well, maybe the next day).

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