Gift lists 101: cash gifts

Looking to add cash gifts to your wedding gift list? We offer bespoke funds that are easy for you and your guests. Whether you'd like contributions towards your honeymoon or help with home refurbishments, we've got the top tips to help.

What are cash gifts?

Rather than physical gifts, you can ask for cash gifts to contribute towards larger items like a deposit on your first home, renovations, or an unforgettable honeymoon.

Start adding funds by choosing from the hundreds of pre-made gifts we have available, or you can create your own custom cash funds in your dashboard. Custom gifts are a great way to make personalised funds for your honeymoon, home or personal goals.

Your guests will be charged no commission fees whatsoever. Our only charge is a highly competitive 2% cash transfer administration fee that will be applied to any cash contributions and honeymoon funds. There will be nothing for you to pay as we will deduct the charge before transferring your funds to you.

cash fund example
TOP TIP: Some guests feel unsure about giving cash as a gift, so make sure to add a mix of physical and cash gifts to suit all of your guests.

How to create your own cash gifts

create your own cash gift

Create your own cash gift in your dashboard. You'll see the option to make a custom charity donation, honeymoon fund or cash gift. Simply choose the option you'd like to create and include your own title, description, image and price of the gift. You can also choose the number of gifts available if you'd like to offer more than one, or even unlimited amounts.

TOP TIP: Guests prefer to see personalised honeymoon funds and get a better idea of where their funds will be going.

What's the difference between cash gifts, bespoke gifts and honeymoon funds?

Simply put... There isn't one! Essentially, each type are all cash gifts that you'll receive in your bank account to spend as you wish. We separate them with different labels to make cash gifts discreet and guests will feel as though they're giving a real gift rather than "just cash".

A bespoke gift is cash to buy any products you've seen elsewhere that we don't offer on site. A honeymoon fund is for money to spend on your honeymoon while a cash gift can be for your house deposit, a new car, new puppy or anything else you're saving for.

We also transfer any charity donations to you so you get the warm, fuzzy satisfaction of giving the money to charity, plus it will benefit the charity further with GiftAid.

honeymoon fund
TOP TIP: Make sure to add cash gifts with different price points to suit all budgets.

How to withdraw your cash funds


Once guests start to contribute towards your cash funds, the amount will be held with us in a fully ring-fenced account until you're ready to withdraw the funds. Most couples wait until after the wedding to transfer their entire cash fund, however you can have your funds at any point by booking a transfer in the cash gift section of your dashboard. You will also need to enter your bank account details in the Personal Details section.

After your funds have been transferred, the account balance will show as zero until you receive more funds from guests, and can book another transfer.

Gift lists 101: how to edit your list

Wedding gifts to match your honeymoon

Gift lists 101: how to manage your list